Screencasts of presentations as an educational practice for my clients1 min read

In the last 2 years, I have been sending presentation screencasts to my clients. Yes, me delivering their speech with their slides recorded as a screencast with my face.

How a screencast helps in this context:

1) Clearer communication of the work done. Less misunderstanding. Immediately visible flaws.

2) An inspiring example. I have noticed that simply retelling someone’s story can boost their confidence. Plus, clients often borrow elements from my delivery—phrases, gestures, or tone—and incorporate them into their own performance. Admittedly, these are just personal observations, and I may be wrong.

3) Motivation to improve. Seeing a talk on your topic—featuring your name on the title slide—can be a powerful motivator to raise your own standards. Of course, the screencast itself should not be a total disaster.

How I usually do this:

I record these casts without any rehearsals so you can picture the level of my “top-notch” performance. So here goes a short story. I came to the meeting a bit early and while we were waiting for the other participants to join, I had to listen to myself in the recording for 3 minutes. IT. WAS. HELL! But the client managed to write down 3 sheets of calculations.

So it seems such screencasts are quite useful sometimes.

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